COVID-19 Study

ResCare Clients Experience Significantly Lower Rates of COVID-19 Than in Other Long-Term Care Settings Despite High Risk Factors

caretaker with adult with iddResCare Community Living is the leading provider of comprehensive and community-based health services to complex populations. We continue to focus on providing quality outcomes, through best-in-class services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our Community Living programs are committed to the foundational pillars of:

  • Quality
  • Innovation
  • Person-Centered Care

We are eager to announce new research that aligns with our commitment to these pillars by demonstrating our effectiveness in keeping our clients safe.

The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) recently released a study citing that the strongest independent risk factor for receiving a COVID-19 diagnosis and the strongest independent risk factor, other than age, for dying from COVID-19 is having an intellectual disability.

This NEJM study was completed during the same time frame as ResCare’s COVID-19 research that was published in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.

ResCare serves more than 11,000 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) across the United States. ResCare clients experienced lower rates of COVID-19 than in other congregate care settings. During the first 100 days of the COVID-19 pandemic, even with a high-risk population, our residential, community and intermediate care facilities experienced a low instance (1.3%) of the virus compared to the national average (27%).

The latest one-year data demonstrates the quality of support we provide to keep our clients safe:


Infection Rate

Mortality Rate

ResCare Community Living



U.S. Long-Term Care Settings



ResCare is the provider of choice because we have consistently addressed the threat posed by COVID-19 by:

  • Utilizing a comprehensive outbreak preparedness and mitigation strategy to protect our clients with IDD
  • Employing resources to promote emotional well-being and virtual linkage to loved ones and community partners
  • Providing heightened quality with efficient daily data tracking, optimal care coordination, and proactive systems
  • Clearly communicating using cloud-based web applications to monitor and minimize exposure from our locations
  • Utilizing questionnaires, screening tools and monitoring protocol for clients and employees
  • Employing intense COVID-19 vaccination efforts and tracking systems

We are committed to developing industry-leading care management tools with the goal of ensuring every individual receives the right care – at the right time – in the safest environment possible.

Contact us to learn about the top-notch oversight and outcomes we can provide for your loved one of client.